What is TSPContact™?
A web database has been built to host contact information for all DOD approved TSP’s. It contains the best contact phone numbers and email addresses for Service members, the Services/PPSOs and SDDC to use for inquires. TSPs have controlled access to enter and update the contact information “real time”.
How to access data in TSPContact™
The following screen will appear and the user can search for TSP phone and email information in various ways.
[ SCREEN 1 ]
1. Enter the SCAC and click SEARCH.
By entering a specific SCAC code such as "AFER" the system takes you directly to the domestic TSP contact information (phone numbers and email addresses).
[ SCREEN 2 ]
2. Enter TSP name (can enter full or partial TSP name) to get a display of TSP’s to select.
The search data entered applies to any portion of the TSP’s name and SCAC.
The list of companies that match your search criteria will be displayed. Click on the company name for which you wish to see the contact information.
If only one matches your search criteria you will be taken directly to the domestic TSP contact information (phone numbers and email addresses). [ SCREEN 2 ]
3. Click on the “A through Z” index
A full list of TSP’s that begin with the selected letter will be displayed. Click on the company name for which you wish to see the contact information. [ SCREEN 2 ]
To display the International contact list, click “INTERNATIONAL CONTACTS”
Note: The active tab will have a blue background with white letters
Users can scroll down to see the entire list of contacts for the company (TSP).